What is FFC cable(flexible flat cable)
Published:2012-11-14 11:13:56    Text Size:【BIG】【MEDIUM】【SMALL
Summary:A flexible cable be used on computer, can replace the lvds cable sometimes

The spacing of the conductors. The pitch typically refers to the distance from the center of one conductor to the center of its neighboring conductor. A single FFC can have different pitches between different conductors on the same cable, however this is uncommon. FFC cables are available in many pitches, such as 0.500 mm, 0.625 mm, 0.635 mm, 0.800 mm, 1.00 mm, 1.25 mm, 1.27 mm, 2.00 mm, 2.54 mm, but the most common pitches are 0.500 mm and 1.00 mm.
Some cables (described as Type 1 by Wurth Electronik or Type A by Molex) have the exposed contacts on the same side at each end. Other cables (labelled Type 2 or Type D) have the exposed contacts on opposite sides of the cable (so that if the cable is lying flat, one end will have face-up contacts, and the other end will have face-down contacts).
Exposure length
The length of the electrical contact that has been exposed at the termination of the cable.
Most FFCs have some sort of extra material attached on the opposite side of the exposed length of the cable to facilitate ZIF or LIF connections.
Conductors size
The width and thickness of the conductors

Now the FFC Cables are widely used in a variety of printer connection between the head and the motherboard, plotters, scanners, copiers, stereos, LCD appliances, fax machines, DVD players and other products, a variety of signal transmission and plate board connections. In modern electrical equipment, FFC Cables can be found almost everywhere.

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